With Modup models stay updated with all the info about their castings, fittings, jobs etc.It works only with agency-signed models.Simple interface helps models easily check their schedule.Integrated notifications will remind the model 2 hours and 10 minutes before next event takes place so the model has less chance to miss the casting or be late. Built in Google Maps give the possibility to easily check where the next event takes place and see the best way to get there. We also integrated a messenger for models and agents to stay in touch all the time. They can chat under each event in order to get any information needed faster and never search through emails again! There is also a possibility to share any media they want!We are very excited to introduce a first in it’s kind Model Forum. Now models can create and discuss topics they want, staying under the real name or a nickname. There is a possibility to communicate with each other in private mode if needed. BE SMART! Improve your model life! Much more is coming! Download it NOW! All you need is to create your profile using a real name and photo and request your agency access to start using it.